DIY Thrifted Wood Stool Makeover

DIY Thrifted Wood Stool Makeover
Got a simple old stool? Let’s renovate it with this project from! Prepare a wood stool, some fabric, project foam (1 inch), Mod Podge, a staple gun, paint, a metal strip. Sand the legs of the stool lightly, then paint them. Trace the top of the stool onto the Project Foam and cut it... 
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DIY Wire Spool Wooden Stool With Upholstery

DIY Wire Spool Wooden Stool With Upholstery
If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve already seen a lots of original stools that you can make with your hands but today’s tutorial is super creative as Mabeyshemadeit blog offers to make a stool of wire spools! You’ll need 2 wire spools, pliers, wood stain, clear coat, a stapler and staples, foam, an electric... 
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8 DIY Patchwork Stools And Chairs You Can Easily Make

8 DIY Patchwork Stools And Chairs You Can Easily Make
If you have an old chair or a couple of stools, you can easily renovate them using old fabric or clothes – no special skills are required, you just need to like sewing. So, the common instruction is to take off the old upholstery and then measure how much fabric you need. After that just... 
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DIY Upholstered Tree Stump Stools

DIY Upholstered Tree Stump Stools
If you have several good-looking tree stumps lying around in your garden you can make them useful and even better looking. To do that you’ll need pillow filler, staple gun and cute fabrics. Instructions Cut a fabric circle about 2 inch larger than a tree stump you gonna put it on. Staple some pillow filler... 
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