38 Gorgeous Outdoor Patterned Tile Ideas

38 Gorgeous Outdoor Patterned Tile Ideas
Outdoor tiles are a great design option for many homes. They add a touch of elegance and modernity to any outdoor space and can significantly reduce or outright eliminate maintenance requirements. However, you also have to remember that outdoor patterned tiles are quite expensive and require skilled labor to install. All these considerations can be... 
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43 Paver Garden Paths With Pros And Cons

43 Paver Garden Paths With Pros And Cons
Looking for a proper material to make paths and walkways in your garden? Paver walkways can provide many benefits to homeowners. While many materials can be used to create outdoor walking paths, pavers are one of the best options that homeowners have. Let’s consider some pros and cons before deciding whether you need them or... 
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42 Garden Topiaries You’ll Love

42 Garden Topiaries You’ll Love
Topiaries are beautiful shrub shapes used for outdoor decor, for front and backyards, garden and porches, and they are sure to add interest there. Let’s see some ideas on rocking topiaries but first What Is Topiary? Topiary is the term used to describe plants that are trimmed and trained into a variety of distinct, architectural... 
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42 Lovely Stone Garden Steps Ideas

42 Lovely Stone Garden Steps Ideas
Choosing a material for garden hardscaping? What would you say to natural stone? Installing real rock steps is a great way to add a touch of elegance and functionality to your landscape. Not only do they look great, but they also provide a safe way to navigate hills and slopes in your yard. They also... 
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41 Brick Path Ideas With Pros And Cons

41 Brick Path Ideas With Pros And Cons
Brick paving slabs have been used for an incredibly long time, dating back as far back as Tudor times. Brick pavers possess a tremendous amount of benefits compared to their concrete counterparts, particularly as it pertains to their composition, colors, texture, strength and durability. However, there are some other considerations to bear in mind before... 
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31 Flagstone Patio Ideas With Pros And Cons

31 Flagstone Patio Ideas With Pros And Cons
What Is Flagstone? Flagstone is a beautiful, natural stone that can be used in just about any hardscaping application but that is especially well-suited to a patio. The stone has a lovely profile that complements the natural landscape well, and it has many benefits that make it well-suited to patio use. Let’s take a look... 
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37 Beautiful Groundcover Plants For Your Garden

37 Beautiful Groundcover Plants For Your Garden
Groundcover plants are incredibly useful, growing them has many benefits, and they can be used in a wide variety of ways in any planting scheme.  While most yards are designed to draw our attention to spectacular and tall showy plants, the best ground cover plants go about their work in the background, often without much... 
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34 Most Beautiful Living Fence Ideas

34 Most Beautiful Living Fence Ideas
What is Living Fence? A living fence, also known as a green fence or hedge, is a boundary or barrier created using living plants instead of traditional fencing materials like wood, metal, or vinyl. These fences are typically made from shrubs, trees, or vines that are planted and cultivated to form a dense, continuous line.... 
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The Best Decorating Ideas For Your Home of May 2024

The Best Decorating Ideas For Your Home of May 2024
May 2024 was a month filled with inspiration for anyone looking to transform their living spaces. In this roundup we want to highlight our favorite posts from the month filled with innovative decorating ideas and inspiring projects. We also can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store! If you have... 
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38 Garden Arbor Benches For Relaxing

38 Garden Arbor Benches For Relaxing
A garden arbor bench is the best place to curl up in the shade with a book or sip your morning brew and listen to the birds. With plenty of new and contemporary garden furniture on the market, arbors are back in style. They are the must-have garden piece of the season. What Are Garden... 
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