DIY Concrete Herb Garden To Make

DIY Concrete Herb Garden To Make
Everybody loves greenery! Making home gardens is a hot trend at any season, and this kind of small but very stylish industrial garden will decorate any modern space, it’s suitable for minimalist and masculine interiors. These planters of concrete can be bought or made yourself, then you just need to add rope or twine handles.... 
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Cool DIY Vertical Pallet Garden

Cool DIY Vertical Pallet Garden
We have already told you about various gardens, including vertical ones. And you know how pallets may be used also. Now there’s an idea of a vertical garden of a pallet. You’ll need 3-4 pallets in similar as planters, a hammer and nails for pulling planks off and nailing them together, a Dremel rotary tool... 
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Cool DIY Tin Cans Garden

Cool DIY Tin Cans Garden
There are many ways to create a garden even if you don’t have space for that. For example, a hanging garden, mobile and convenient in using – what can be better? Take tin cans, clothesline, spray paint, a hammer and some nails. First make holes in the cans using a drill. Punch holes not only... 
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DIY Clay Pots Shaped Like Small Houses

DIY Clay Pots Shaped Like Small Houses
If you want to make some flower pots yourself and hesitate about the material, choose clay because it’s a very flexible and easy to craft material. How to make a clay pot? You’ll need a knife, some oven-bake clay, a rolling pin, non-stick baking paper, a ruler, house template printed and cut out and a... 
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How To Make Mossy Terra Cota Flower Pots

How To Make Mossy Terra Cota Flower Pots
The green season is going on and plants and greenery make us happy, they bring a feeling of spring and coming summer. Here’s one more inspiration for this marvelous season.  Let’s make some terra cotta pots covered with moss. You’ll need: Modge Podge or glue, terra cotta pots, a sponge brush, moss, a shallow baking... 
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How To Design A Charming Girlish Garden

How To Design A Charming Girlish Garden
In spring we all start thinking of our gardens and how to design them. Here’s a brilliant idea of designing a garden in a girlish way. Even if you don’t have much space, you can organize you sweet piece of paradise. Paint your planters in spring colors like green lime or pink. Paint different plants... 
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How TO Repurpose A Dresser Into A Home Garden

How TO Repurpose A Dresser Into A Home Garden
In spring a fresh small garden is right what we need – a piece of nature, what can be better? Lets’ repurpose an old dresser into a fresh spring garden. The dresser doesn’t even need to be transformed. It has three spacious drawers, you need just to take the dresser outside and put the plant... 
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Cool DIY Hanging String Gardens

Cool DIY Hanging String Gardens
Some people think that growing plants in hanging balls of soil and moss is a difficult art. Even though they are probably right thinking that this is art but but it isn’t that difficult. Megan from Radmegan has come up with a detailed tutorial showing how to make your own hanging string garden. The process... 
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35 Cool Vintage-Looking Garden Pots

35 Cool Vintage-Looking Garden Pots
The union of vintage and country styles looks especially great in a garden. It adds originality and the atmosphere of retro to it. Besides it’s very easy to implement there. All you need is to add some details in these styles there. For example you can easily add some vintage charm to the garden with... 
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