How To Paint Ceramic And Porcelain Tableware

How To Paint Ceramic And Porclean Tableware

If you think your tableware is boring you can try to paint it. The process isn’t as hard as you might think. You need to find special porcelaine paint pens and be able to put your ceramic into the oven. Before painting you can transfer a pattern onto the china but you can also skip that step and just start freehanding. You can practice on some plate but if you make a mistake it is super easy to correct anyway.

After you finish painting the dish needs to dry for 24 hours and be placed for 35 minutes in the over at 300 F. Although these things might vary depending on the paint brand. Visit Ashley Ann Photography for more details and more photos.

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How To Paint Ceramic And Porclean Tableware
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How To Paint Ceramic And Porclean Tableware