26 SImple Bathroom Wall Storage Ideas

bathroom wall storage ideas to try

The most common bathroom problem is a lack of space: most of them are small not to say tiny. That’s why smart storage and organization solutions are essential here, and today I’m gonna help you with that, you’ll see the best bathroom wall storage solutions. Why wall ones? If your bathroom is small, walls are the best place to store whatever you have, it’ll save the actual floor space.

Open Bathroom Shelving

Open and floating shelves are most popular type of wall storage in bathrooms because they fulfill the storage function and still don’t look bulky and don’t make the bathroom look smaller than it is. You can place them wherever you want and have some space: above the bathtub, toilet or sink.

Open bathroom shelves from IKEA pieces next to the mirror.

Open bathroom shelves from IKEA pieces next to the mirror.

Open bathroom shelving above the toilet.

Open bathroom shelving above the toilet.

Open bathroom shelving unit in grey.

Open bathroom shelving unit in grey.

Shelves stuffed in the corner.

Shelves stuffed in the corner.

Hanging shelves with hooks.

Hanging shelves with hooks.

Open rustic shelves next to the bathtub.

Open rustic shelves next to the bathtub.

Simple floating shelves over the toilet.

Simple floating shelves over the toilet.

Dark stained open bathroom shelves.

Dark stained open bathroom shelves.

Shabby chic open bathroom shelves.

Shabby chic open bathroom shelves.

Niche Bathroom Shelves And Cabinets

Niche shelves and shelving units are a must for small spaces as they don’t take any space at all still giving you storage for towels, medicines, sponges and various stuff. They are the most common for shower spaces but you can also make some next to the bathtub, mirrors or toilet.

Small niche built-in next to the sinks.

Small niche built-in next to the sinks.

Stylish built-in next to the mirror.

Stylish built-in next to the mirror.

Shabby chic niche bathroom shelf in a narrow wall.

Shabby chic niche bathroom shelf in a narrow wall.

Niche glass cabinet for towels.

Niche glass cabinet for towels.

creative dark stained niche towels cabinet over the bathtub.

creative dark stained niche towels cabinet over the bathtub.

Shabby chic niche glass bathroom built-in cabinet.

Shabby chic niche glass bathroom built-in cabinet.

Simple niche bathroom shelving unit with tiles inside.

Simple niche bathroom shelving unit with tiles inside.

Bathroom Wall Cabinets

A wall cabinet is a brilliant idea in case you have some space for it as it’s often humid in the bathroom and the things that are kept on open shelves can get wet, while closed cabinets prevent this. Such a cabinet is traditionally hung over the sinks but you can hang one anywhere you have space. Add a mirror to its doors to get more functionality.

DIY wooden wall cabinet with a mirror.

DIY wooden wall cabinet with a mirror.

Simple white cabinet with cubbies.

Simple white cabinet with cubbies.

Large glass cabinet with a shelf.

Large glass cabinet with a shelf.

Niche cabinet over the toilet.

Niche cabinet over the toilet.

Long wooden cabinet with several mirrors.

Long wooden cabinet with several mirrors.

Other Bathroom Wall Storage Ideas

Some other ideas are hanging wrought holders, baskets, cubbies and all other kinds of holders you can find and that fit your bathroom style. Get inspired!

Cubbies hung over the toilet.

Cubbies hung over the toilet.

Ladder as a holder for towels.

Ladder as a holder for towels.

Creative bathroom shelves made of whitewashed crates.

Creative bathroom shelves made of whitewashed crates.

Wrought bathroom wall holder.

Wrought bathroom wall holder.

Source: pinterest