This amazing home belongs to a German DJ, Marc Hype. He’s a successful music producer living in Berlin for a long time and play international shows in many countries. His apartment full of decor items that he collected over the years. There is also a lot of vintage and modern music devices and even the...
This chic apartment in downtown of Copenhagen belongs to a 34-years old graphic designer Laura Terp Hansen. The 88 square meter apartment is a flash of adrenaline for lovers of pink. It can be found in every room. In combination white they make the apartment very fun and happy place to live. The contrast between...
Designed by Weir Phillips Architects, this unusual apartment is located in Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia. A swimming pool integrated into the living room is what make it so unique. The whole room looks like some outdoor area thanks to suspended BBQ appliances and outdoor-like furniture. The cool thing is that this room isn’t large...