Got an iPad? Make a holder for it! You’ll need a metallic iPad stand or similar, DecoArt Metallic Lustre Paint, Rose Gold, a paint brush or a rag. You can use a brush if you prefer, but a rag is the easiest way to apply this wax to the project. Rub a bit of wax...
Most of us today have a tablet of some kind, and you need not only a cover or case for it, sometimes we need a good stand to use it comfier. There are many designers’ holders but if you want something more budget-friendly, or more personalized, then why not to make it yourself? As a...
Many of us have tablets today but how can we store it securely and comfortably? This stand will fulfill these functions and let use your tablet comfortably, for example, when you are cooking in the kitchen. You only need 2 pieces of basswood, hot glue, x-acto knife and paint of choice. Make sure your basswood...
Got an iPad? Want a cool case? You can easily make it yourself! You’ll need soft leather, elastic band, upholstery scissors, suede cord, pins, needle and thread, xacto, glue. Cut down your leather using your iPad as a guide. Leave it long on top and bottom and cut out four strips of the elastic, making...
Yesterday I showed you some impressive DIY Kindle cases and covers and now I want to show some cool DIY covers and cases for iPads. Even though devices are pretty much the same and most of all these covers are universal, people that make them are different. That’s why the covers are different too. In...
If you’re a lucky iPad owner then you probably need to display it from time to time. There are plenty of different cool iPad stands on the market but they all aren’t budget friendly. Although you can make a very cheap stand out of wood scrap. Besides the wood scrap you’ll need a saw, a...