Tablet sleeves will always be a popular topic for any crafting tutorials because we want to keep the piece safe. Let’s make this simple one, the supplies are heavyweight leather or suede, heavyweight/leather sewing machine needles, heavyweight thread, scissors, sewing machine. If you have an iPad, here are the sizes of the pieces you need...
Got an iPad? Want a cool case? You can easily make it yourself! You’ll need soft leather, elastic band, upholstery scissors, suede cord, pins, needle and thread, xacto, glue. Cut down your leather using your iPad as a guide. Leave it long on top and bottom and cut out four strips of the elastic, making...
If you like your iPad and don’t want to scratch it – make a cover. You can also stain it with coffee – the color is very stylish. Take a brush and start brushing the coffee onto the cover. Let it sit for a few minutes and then dry it by dabbing gently with a...
Yesterday I showed you some impressive DIY Kindle cases and covers and now I want to show some cool DIY covers and cases for iPads. Even though devices are pretty much the same and most of all these covers are universal, people that make them are different. That’s why the covers are different too. In...