45 Creative Ideas To Store Your Shoes

45 Creative Ideas To Store Your Shoes
Good shoes are quite pricey nowadays. That’s why we think it’s important to organize a nice storage area for your collection. There are many ways to do that. Among the most traditional ways are hiding them in a wardrobe, placing on open shelves in a walk-in closet, creating a display cabinet in a hallway, hiding... 

10 Under Stairs Storage Space Ideas

10 Under Stairs Storage Space Ideas
Even though usually space under the stairs isn’t very productive there are plenty ways to occupy it with your stuff. Almost anything could be stored there. Books, wine bottles, cloth, shoes could be stored as below the actual stairs as right in them. You’ll be impressed how many of your stuff will fit there. Check... 

DIY Creative Under Shelf Storage

DIY Creative Under Shelf Storage
When it comes for storage space it’s never enough. If you already have open shelves filled with some stuff but need to store some more you can make some by yourself under these shelves. All you need is some glass jars with metal lids and something to fasten them. That could be screws, nails, staples...