Quick DIY Rattan Basket Makeover

Quick Diy Rattan Basket Makeover

If you have a rattan basket, you can decorate it so that it would become eye-catching and cool for décor! You’ll need a basket, white and yellow acrylic paints, a brush. Wash your basket with soapy water (dish detergent used and hot water); leave it to dry. Dilute the with a little water, and using a wide paintbrush apply the first coat of white paint. Let it dry and using masking tape cover the basket and paint one of the parts yellow. Allow the paint to dry according to the time specified on the package. Remove the masking tape, and in case you are not satisfied with the hiding of the paint, using a paintbrush correct it. For the second layer you don’t need to dilute the paint, just apply it evenly and let dry again. Voila!

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Quick Diy Rattan Basket Makeover
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Quick Diy Rattan Basket Makeover
Source: 100decors