How To Recycle Old Tires – 5 Cool DIY Projects

Diy Outdoor Planter

DIY Outdoor Planter.

Even such things as old car or bike tires can be used again. Some spray paint and they can even become decorative elements as outdoors as indoors. Check out these cool DIY projects and reuse old tires if you have them lying around.

  1. DIY Outdoor Planter is a very charming planter that you can use at your patio or in your backyard.
  2. DIY Toy Box from Estiloydeco can be used as alone as stacked to organize all these toys around the house.
  3. DIY Bike Tire Chairs from Flickr are awesome additions to any garden.
  4. DIY Outdoor Hanging Planter is a good way to save some space when your backyard aren’t big enough.
  5. DIY Tires Storage Bin from Curbly can be used to store anything you like. It’s good looking and mobile.
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DIY Toy Box.

DIY Toy Box.

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DIY Bike Tire Chairs.

DIY Bike Tire Chairs.

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DIY Outdoor Hanging Planter.

DIY Outdoor Hanging Planter.

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DIY Tires Storage Bin.

DIY Tires Storage Bin.