DIY Lego Kleenex Box Cover

Diy Lego Kleenex Box

At home we all have tissues but how can you decorate the box so that it would suit your interior or just funny and bright? You’ll need a rectangular box of Kleenex, glossy acrylic craft paint in your choice of color, 1.5 inch wooden circles, a hot glue gun, pre-made rectangular Kleenex box cover, a piece of heavy duty cardboard, ruler, marker, X-acto knife. Take your heavy duty cardboard (and measure out the shapes you see above. The center rectangle will be fitting over the top of the tissue box. It needs to be 9 inches by 5 inches. The pieces on the side are 3.5 inches by 9 inches on the longer sides and 3.5 x 5 inches on the shorter. For the rest of the tutorial look here and finish the craft!

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Diy Lego Kleenex Box
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Diy Lego Kleenex Box
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Diy Lego Kleenex Box
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Diy Lego Kleenex Box
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Diy Lego Kleenex Box
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Diy Lego Kleenex Box