DIY Easter Fabric Pinwheels

Diy Easter Fabric Pinwheels

Pin wheels are a funny idea not only for kids, they are great for spring and Easter décor. The supplies are fleece, Vliesofix / Bondaweb, scissors, needle and thread. Take your fabric and iron it; using a pencil draw two lines like on the picture. Using a sharp knife, make the cuts and start folding as you see it. Now glue a stick and attach a piece of fabric to make it look prettier. Now add a big button and make some more pinwheels of different colors. These pinwheels will make a cool decoration on your windowsill, put them into some planter and enjoy your spring!

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Diy Easter Fabric Pinwheels
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Diy Easter Fabric Pinwheels
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Diy Easter Fabric Pinwheels
Source: sewandthecity