Modern And Original DIY Kitchen Clock

Modern And Original DIY Kitchen Clock

Modern And Original DIY Kitchen Clock

If you want any space to be original, it should have original accessories. For example, this kitchen clock would definitely add some uniqueness to your kitchen or dining room. The materials are 6 cleaned forks, 6 cleaned soup spoons, polystyrene sheet less than 5 mm of thickness, a clock mechanism, Gorilla or Super glue.  Make... 
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Cool Lotus Inspired Wall Clocks

Cool Lotus Inspired Wall Clocks

Cool Lotus Inspired Wall Clocks

These lotus inspired clocks aren’t cheap but they are really creative and cool. They are made of powder coated aluminum and features dynamic shapes. Users can change their look depending on their tastes. Clocks are available in various colors and can become really great wall decorations to any interior. 
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Vintage Book Clocks

Vintage Book Clocks

Vintage Book Clocks

Hilda Grahnat is a 23 year old graphic design student from Sweden. She has a great eye for vintage and an appreciation for things inherited from her grandparents and other relatives including more than a hundred clocks that her grandfather has collected. In her shop she sells really amazing things like these clocks handmade of... 
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